Myball迈博体育官方网站博士研究生归国报告通知(二) 2022-12-09 报告时间:2022年12月09日(星期五)下午16:00 报告地点: #腾讯会议:771-105-834 报告内容及时间安排: 报告人 报告主题 备注 龚敏 Top Management Team Demographic-faultline Strength and environmental investment: Non-market and Market Contingencies in China CSC公派出国 王钰莹 Does Industry-University-Research Integration Promote the High-quality Development of Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises? Analyses of Mediating Effects and Moderating Effects CSC公派出国 靳瑞杰 Regulatory capture and environmental innovation in China 短访 王维 Small business innovation: The role of geographic proximity with rival 短访 备注:报告时间20分钟/人。请报告人认真梳理总结,针对参与项目结合ppt文稿做10-15分钟的汇报,其余时间做问答讨论。 Myball迈博体育官方网站教务中心 2022.12.9