Myball迈博体育官方网站博士生学位论文及已发表论文目录公示(曹译尹) 2024-07-11 个人信息: 姓名:曹译尹 专业:管理科学与工程 学号:4118008044 班级:博1845 导师:肖忠东教授 学位论文题目: 基于鲁棒随机博弈中均衡计算的回报型众筹博弈研究 已发表论文目录: [1] Yiyin Cao, Yin Chen, Chuangyin Dang. A differentiable path-following method with a compact formulation to compute proper equilibria [J]. INFORMS Journal on Computing. 2024, 36(2): 377-396. [2] Yiyin Cao, Chuangyin Dang, Zhongdong Xiao. A differentiable path-following method to compute subgame perfect equilibria in stationary strategies in robust stochastic games and its applications [J]. European Journal of Operational Research. 2022, 298(3): 1032-1050. [3] Yiyin Cao, Chuangyin Dang. A variant of Harsanyi's tracing procedures to select a perfect equilibrium in normal form games [J]. Games and Economic Behavior. 2022, 134: 127-150. [4] Yiyin Cao, Chuangyin Dang, Yabin Sun. Complementarity enhanced Nash’s mappings and differentiable homotopy methods to select perfect equilibria. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications [J]. 2022, 192(2): 533-563. 公示时间:2024年7月11日