学术活动Academic activities Online outcome weighted learning to estimate optimal individual treatment rules 2024-10-22 Voluntary Disclosure, Activist Communication and lntervention 2024-10-22 大语言模型给经管研究带来的机遇和挑战:方法、指标、数据、问题 2024-10-21 Graph Neural Networks: Theory and Algorithms 2024-10-21 An efficient branch-and-price algorithm to solve parallel machine scheduling 2024-10-16 易地搬迁农户的生计转型与社会融入:就近城镇化进程中的实践与挑战 2024-10-16 Strategic Orientation and CE0 Risk-Taking incentives 2024-10-14 Managerial Sentiment and Cost Stickiness 2024-10-14 异地就医直接结算与医疗服务需求 2024-10-11 报告:新质生产力背景下管理学科的发展 2024-10-09 Cleaner Air and Labor Cost Stickiness: Evidence from the Clean Heating Plan in China 2024-10-09 报告:双碳背景下谈环境经济管理的几个问题及其研究进展 2024-10-08 报告:商学院的改革 2024-10-08 【时间调整】Individual auditor legal liability and collaborative networks: Evidence fro... 2024-09-30 Too Good to Go: Combating Food Waste with Surprise Clearance 2024-09-29 Index Policies for Campaign Promotion Strategies in Reward-based Crowdfunding 2024-09-23 Introduction to Intelligent Transportation System and Its Applications 2024-09-20 Private Firm Information Dissemination and Analysts’ Public Firm Forecast Accuracy 2024-09-19 Robust Drone Delivery with Weather Information 2024-09-14 【因故取消】Financial Reporting Consolidation and Effective Tax Rate Estimation 2024-09-13 首页< <12345...43>>尾页